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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

haha, ok, celebrate till this weekend's over... oh ya, something sian, our study break won't start till 1st OCT!!! outrage right! grrrh...thats left one week b4 'o's prac... like wth, this is one lousy timetable ;(
anyway, today a maths paper was much better than mon's one, which was a complete suicide...haha, spotted an error in the paper today, then mr kiw, who was the invigilator was like, bu chuo, you zhang da yan jing kan...;p haha, ok, shall stop my self-indulgence moment;p

here some news for those interested:
1) o levels end on 13th november this year
2) dhs grad ceremony is on 14th november and its organised by.......*drumroll... the one and only...Ms Fang! ;p
3) 16th's the pre-u- admin talk which is compulsory for all o level pupils this year;p

and today's my mama's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! XD haha, i know two other people with birthdays today...

okok, thx for all the good luck wishes! good luck to all whose eoys are coming! n best of luck to all o level pupils, wo men ping le! ;p


5:59 AM, Lotsa of lots

Saturday, September 8, 2007

heyyz...here to say something...Pavarotti is dead...sobz, okok, i know i lag, he actualy passed away 3 days ago...sigh great singer...no idea bout the person though...
here's my agenda: today i m here to defend all muggers...open muggers that is...i hate muggers who r muggers but make fun of n criticise other muggers...so hypocritical...
1) muggers are actually smart because they start early, then they wont suffer from massive heart coronary when the time comes.
2) muggers who managed their time well have vibrant social lives too, they dont spend their whole day buried in the books.
3)muggers show that they are responsible by taking responsibility for their grades
4)muggers who are not afraid of admitting that they actually look at their books once in a while should be respected because they are not afraid of being out of the norm.
5)muggers are a derogatory term because they also mean pickpockets (but for lack of a short n more appropriate term, n for the public to know what i m referring to, i shall continue to use it)

sadly, i m not a mugger, i would not be having such a hard time cramming 2 years worth of stuff into, a few weeks? craziness is really a thin line away... n all this wont happen if u started studying earlier. childhood is not a bed of roses, so ADAPT!

ok speaking of studying, off to hit the sheets, exhausted from all the absorbing ...
oh n to all o level students "chionging" for exams now, music helps u to relax n get your second bout of energy when u feel like jumping off the nearest twenty storey building (haha ok just kidding ;p, but it helps u refreshed so go on...;p)

oh n i, like pmz ;p, will not be blogging anytime in the near future unless i got something real BIG to put here, n its will be BIG ;p so sorry guys, n come back after my 'o' levels! ;p

6:24 AM, Lotsa of lots

Friday, September 7, 2007

hello!!! haha, saw something very funny after lunch today at the court opp my house... there was this two bros, who r quite notorious in my primary school for being mischievous tykes, n they were playing with a soccer ball. then these two other boys came down with another ball n apparently the four of them would played together... i saw e younger of the 2 bros "attack" on of the other boy...they were rolling on the floor n the other boy (from the latter group) came to help his companion and attack the younger bro by, get this, punching his butt... omg, when i saw this i fell on the floor laughing. so funny ;p lol, then the they were like lying on the poor younger bro n punching his butt, while the younger bro kept calling for help from his older brother...haha

anyway, to those who love watching taiwan oui xiang xi ju,n r a bit lagger then me, go catch "Wei Xiao Pasta" aka "Smiling Pasta" which features Zhang Dong Liang and Wang Xin Ling...WAIT! don't be prejudiced against the show upon hearing their names, the show totally rocks! haha, its super funny, cute and sweet...;p for those who r not really ardent fans of oui xiang ju, jusst try this show, its really very nice, guarantee you all will like ;p haha besides zhang dong liang is looks quite cute in the show ;p

yep, spent my birthday studying ;( haha, poor thing right, but 'o' level is like that... but hey, don't get me wrong...i will NEVER regret taking the 'o' level path, because i think it will always be the right choice for me...i m someone who live for changes n staying too long in the same environment will turn me mouldy... but anyway good luck to those in dhp, cos i heard the criteria for graduating just got higher;p n to next year o level batch jia you!
to these year o level batch, esp dhs de, ALL THE BEST AND REACH HIGH FOR THE STARS YOU WANT YOUR NAME ON ;p haha

trying my best not to scream from hitting the books everyday n my dear old dad constant (understatement) "friendly advice". so trying not to die...
N CHOIR JUNIORS, START PLANNING CHOIR CHALET AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (MEANING NOW!) not i overly eager or naggy, but seriously because our seniors never told us have to plan early, n we started planning only aroung exam time, n we couldn't get ANY good chalet...seriously, we ended up, as u all know, in the lousy and ex chalet we were in last year...
so i m not joking, get cracking...its not that hard, just go online and type aloha, then choose the loyang (or any one) de then go in choose date n book
need someone with civil service card though, but thats not hard at all...a lot of parents are civil servants... n please book after 14 of november!!! thanks ;p

okok, end here, cause my break ends here ;p bye!

4:33 AM, Lotsa of lots

my fellow shoe-wearers ;p

Owner of THE shoes
Name: QY
B.O.D: 02/09/91
School: dun mention it
Mail: U NOE IT


loves, March 2007
loves, April 2007
loves, May 2007
loves, June 2007
loves, July 2007
loves, August 2007
loves, September 2007
loves, October 2007
loves, November 2007
loves, December 2007
loves, January 2008
loves, February 2008
loves, March 2008
loves, April 2008
loves, May 2008
loves, June 2008
loves, July 2008
loves, August 2008
loves, September 2008
loves, October 2008
loves, December 2008
loves, January 2009
loves, May 2009
loves, September 2009
loves, November 2009

Designer: x
Others: o