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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

tadum tadum...my com is lagging dreadfully...think it's hinting to me to go n sleep, coz currently, e whole house is asleep except me...whoooo...
havent blog for a long time coz : 1) no mood to blog/no time/nothing to blog abt 2) lazy to on the com...
frankly studying for 'a's is giving me lots of insights into life...like i'll be reading something n suddenly, voom, in comes a brilliant wise thought knocking on the door... haha, my brain juice has nothing to spend itself on...
i was thinking the other day that i'll make a good gossip columnist...why? bcoz i'm good at descriptions...not the usual kind, but the exaggerated, tongue in cheek kind of comments and feedbacks...sadly, will have no future in the sunny island of Singapore...
anyway, i'll resume blogging after my 'A's ends, which is on the 3rd of Dec...horrible timetable, with everything squished up in the first week (the first paper is next tues in fact) and 10 days of utter boredom between the second-last n last paper...gross right? totally... anyway, thinking of starting a new blog, coz i getting older n bitchier n need to hide myself away...with age comes clarity of vision...haha...so i guess this blog wont have that long a time left...e new blog will probably not link to anyone's, not told to anyone, unless u're still reading this blog and completely deeper...haha, unless u discover it by chance...though how's that possible i dont know...got me a revelation the other day...on how exposed i'm on this blog, though it's semi-dead...
this totally unknown girl, a friend of a friend apparently, knows my name n thus have read this blog b4...n when she told me that, i was like: WHOA! i dont even know u! (thinking it of coz, i'm nice) n so i said, u know my name meh? she was like yeah, n gave this secret smile...so i said, but this blog totally has no names, not even my own full name so how do u know it's mine... n she said, i know...creepy sometimes... but nvm, not like i used this blog for confession... i have a diary for that! *sniggers*
so yup, going to move soon, dont miss me, though if u do, u can always call me...haha! lame, bye!
n night, n wish me lots of luck for 'A's! :)

7:10 AM, Lotsa of lots

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The saying: U get what u see...Well, it's not true most of the time...
today, 1st of Sept 2009...my family celebrated my 18th birthday for me, on day early. Why? Because, joy to the world, i have econs tuition tmr, on my 18th bday...i guess the significance of an 18th bday doesnt hold true when one is in danger of not getting good grades for A level econs...Sigh... Well the celebration today was minimal...the cake was gorgeous, an ice cream cake, cookies n cream, from swensen's...besides that...the rest went downhill from there...
1) my dearest daddy, with his extremely poor memory for dates, totally forgot it was my bday tmr...as usual...so no surprises there...
2) we ate the cake with my extremely poor feeling bro, who somehow managed to get the symptoms of sorethroat...
3) we ate the cake while my dad n mum, as usual started quarelling over the smallest thing: the tuperware to store the uneaten cake in... i mean seriously! they were arguing abt the shape for christ sake! for once, cant they enjoy something in peace, without my dad making a snark comment n my poor mum rising to the bait...sigh...why cant my parents be the lovey dovey kind, so that i can grow up believing in the sanctity of everlasting love...

but truth to be told, my parents aint that bad...for one, they really believe in the sanctity of marriage vows...so thx to that, my bro n i can grow up in a complete family...but i believe that my parents do have love to some extent, though both of them r really bad at showing it...

so let me recaptulate: things r not what they seem

6:52 AM, Lotsa of lots

Thursday, May 28, 2009

i miss a life of freedom, freedom to daydream...

8:41 AM, Lotsa of lots

MIA for so long...well, here i'm! it's just that this year, i didn't have much motivation to blog, partly due to the lack of going-ons in my life... J2 life is damn boring, it's kinda like CCA n studies and nothing else. Anyway, i took on an extra H3 molecular bio subject this year (with NTU) and so my life is now almost completely filled with studies and nothing else...

anyway, just a quick update since like Jan...i really miss my friend Zona, for reasons i can't say here... i miss having heart to heart sessions w her...the guys in my class remain as gay as ever, retaining the seemingly unless need to be in contact with each other...my poor eyes... and the girls in the soccer team has undergone an evolution in the relationships, with the entrance of the J1s...

i missed lots of soccer prac, esp during the March hols, due to H3, which kinda stole my entire March hols from me...expectedly, i did not start studying sufficiently early enough for my Block Test 1, which was after the March hols and did even worse than my promos...very very disappointed with myself. celebrated the end of BT1 with my virgin attempt at guitar hero at sheila's house...n it's kinda fun coz noone in her house cares how loud we screamed n laughed... missed soccer JTS n my class JTS due to...what else...having to study for H3... seriously, H3 murdered more of my social life than expected... n advice to anyone who's thinking of taking NTU molecular bio...DON'T! u'll have time enough to be killed when u r in uni... enjoy life while u can...

as for soccer tournament, despite high hopes, our team didnt make it into semis...all i can say is that, it was a result of a disappointing match...the loss was partly ours, for not keeping vigilant long enough n not greedy for the ball, n partly due to poor luck that we met with such a bias referee n an unethical team... sports, the beauty n the ugly of it... but i thoroughly enjoyed my one over year in soccer, because the sport is fantastically fun n the people, the best...every team has its ups n downs, so has ours, but importantly, we emerged as A TEAM...

just this month, i went under an MP (member of parliament) attachment program, n was brought under the wing of Mr Michael Palmer, MP for Punggol east, part of the Pasir Ris Punggol GRC, which i belonged to...i really have lots of fun doing this program as my MP is friendly and approachable, unlike some of my friends', who appear to be busy majority of the time, which is kinda sad...i have learnt lots, my last session is this sat, from attending MPS (meet the people session), an RC meeting, a CCC meeting, a Mothers' Day celebration, n by this Sat, a block visit. What i can say is that, the 2 MPS that i have attended impacted me a lot, n i will consider being a volunteer after my 'A's at the session...either in my own area, or i'll go back to the punggol east one, coz the people there are super nice n friendly :)

my life now, i stuck on studying for the H3 end of year, which will be on 3rd June...sadly, i feel that i will not be able to attain exemplary results (that is, a Distinction grade), due to my inability to understand most of the syllabus. sigh...it's very regretful...

but life's goes on, n i think that i should focus more on my H2 subjects coz they will form the core of my 'A's... hopefully, i can do well enough to get into medicine or maybe law...if not, at least psychology...been considering politcal science of late too...

ok shall end here...maybe i'll have the motivation to blog again soon :) for now, NIGHT!

8:10 AM, Lotsa of lots

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

yo ppl...today's the third day of Chinese New Year and the sch has kindly decided to give us the day off... (something about the principal wanting us to do more charity...*shrugs* i have no idea where's the link too...) had a break from sat all the way till today, which is wed...
last fri, we had cny celebration till 11am n then we could go off...but a nice kind uni just had to start their h3 on that day, making me loiter around taka before h3 at rj at 4...n the prof came late so we started late n ended late...when i got home, i was sooo tired that i could barely smile at the thought of break the next few days... luckily, we had class lunch that day at Pepper Lunch, so i didnt had to loiter aimlessly for too long... (n Pepper Lunch's kinda overhyped...it's too ex for rice n meat that u have to cook yourself...just my thoughts...) anyway, my h3 prof is a Caucasian, n he sounded like Kermit the Frog, probably coz he had flu or something...which was kinda cute...but his pace was sort of a killer. it was so fast that i barely had time to copy any notes down...but guess i have to get used to this uni style of lecturing...
spent sat morning in sch for soccer training... felt super guilty again when coach brought up sylvia's injury coz it was partly my fault she fell n got a sprained ankle...n just b4 CNY too...sigh...
sat night, had reunion dinner at some restaurant at tiong bahru which was kinda so-so...but i loved the tofu :D i kinda love all kinds of tofu stir-fry in gravy w mushrooms, so yeah :P the pai kuat wong ( pork rib cutlet in sweet sauce) was delicious too, but there was only enough for one per person...so sad...the fish wasnt very nice, the chicken slightly weird with the sweet chili sauce...oh n the service was quite slow...luckily my aunt ordered in advance, coz the place was packed to the brim...the cereal prawn was quite ok, but nothing to go wow over...the veg, normal...there wasnt any soup or dessert, so i cant comment on that...oh but the sang min (fried noodle in gravy) was simply delicious! the noodle is thinner than those u usually find outside and crispy covered with the delicious sauce :D Mmmm! the rest of the dishes i cant really remember, coz they are kinda forgettable... but the loh hey (a traditional dish made of mixed raw vegetable strips, crispy bits and slices of raw fish, covered with some raw ginger and sweet sauce eaten during Chinese New Year) was quite horrible coz the waitress didnt say all the things that you were suppose to say when you prep the loh hey...its kinda like missing out the important bits of this tradition... :(
sun was spent slacking at home and dinner was steamboat among my own family...
mon was visiting day...went to my grandparents' house in clementi first where we had lunch...the peng cai that we got from crystal jade was abominable!!! they used cheap ingredients like fishballs instead of fish maw and stuff...n the scallops were tiny things that only a few of us managed to have...as usual, the nicest part of the lunch was my grandmother's lotus stem, pork, and abalone soup :D damn delicious!
after lunch, we went to my aunt's house and saw the new baby that my uncle had :D (my aunt is my dad's sis, the uncle is not my aunt's husband but is both their bro...he n his wife stays in my aunt's house) the baby boy was just borned on 23th jan, so he was just 4 days old on mon :D he's so tiny n cant really open his eyes yet...n i got to carry him for his post feeding nap :D they haven't registered his name yet, but are thinking of calling him Breydan (or Braydan) Tung Bao An...haha, the chi name's kinda weird...
tues was spent slacking, n so was today :D
ok signing off for more slacking...

2:02 AM, Lotsa of lots

Thursday, January 8, 2009

yopz! it's been 2009 for 8 days! n sch gonna start in 5 days, on the 12th of Jan...yep, this yr, the JCs are starting later and ending later...so 'A's gonna be later too...duno whether to be sad or happy bout that...anyway, i m gonna be a J2 in officially 5 days, n i don't like it...AT ALL...coz it means 'A's are coming, and that lots of mugging are in store for me...boohoo...yucks... for this new sch yr, i'm getting only one new teacher, who is my GP teacher and form teacher too...that's coz my previous GP teacher is only teaching J1 GP and thus she can't be the form for a J2 class... i getting keep all the rest of my teachers, a fact that make me half happy n half sad...coz half of them r good, the other half not so...
so since the last time i posted, i have been thru soccer camp, from the 11th to the 13th of Dec, several soccer trainings, Christmas and some family outings and dinner...plus lots of slacking time and escaping from all the homework...Soccer camp was seriously fun, but super draining, coz being in the Exco means i have to be in charge of at least 2 activities...which had killer logistics...haha, i had to buy lots of the stuff that we were using, so i had to lugged bags of grocceries like some bag lady to school by public transport over the span of 2 days, for the 2 different activities that i organised (Station Games and Telematch) w one other person each... We also had stayover at Shao's house which was humongous on the second night and third day's activities were conducted all over Singapore (Amazing Race)...her family members were nice, we had a nice relaxing time, but not so nice rest, consisting of only a few hours of sleep on the sofa...but i shouldn't complain coz some ppl only got the cold floor and lesser hours of sleep...but i seriously can't function well w less than 5 hours of sleep in one go...
the soccer camp revealed lots of stuff about the members of the team, some good stuff and some not so bad...To prevent sullying the reputations of some, i would not mentioned names... but i deeply regret doing stupid, idiotic stuff on the third night during the bbq, to my friend, and causing her hurt and grief...
I'm so sorry, ****!
anyway, after the camp, we had this match w VJC and it was terrifying, though, i guessed we didnt come off as badly as we thought we will...so good for us, and MORE HARD WORK for tournament next year...
christmas was boring this year...no family dinner and no PRESENTS :( however, in the day my family and I did go to the house of my father's friend, who opens his house up for celebrations every year for friends from their air force days...every year, we go, and every year we see how the people all change...it's seriously cool to have friends like that...
my male cousin, who is one year older than me, has finished his 'A's and entered NS on 12th Dec...he shved his head and looks kinda funny, coz his quite tall and muscular but his shaved head looks super small :D
my maternal uncle and his family has just shifted into their new humongous house that they had built and renovated for a few years...it's a semi-D, with 2 full storeys and a partial third storey that called an attic but is definitely much bigger than one... it has a lawn, a pond with a fountain w fish, a huge plasma TV, aircons everywhere, 6 bathrooms, a studyroom cum library attached to the master bedroom, a walk-in wadrobe each in the bedrooms on the second floor (which has two bedrooms, a den and a big open room which they havent found a use for) and separate long baths and showers in the sttached bathrooms of these 2 bedrooms. On the third floor, the rooms haven't been allocated uses yet, but one of them is going to be a audio cum karaoke room...plus there is a huge rooftop balcony on the third floor... gosh right?! and all for 3 people...living in the lap of luxury...oh, n did i mention my uncle has 3 cars?!?! when only 2 in the family is able to drive...blah...
ok, i m suppose to be finishing my HW now...coz,yes, sch's gonna start...have training tmr, bright and early, so shall go catch some shut-eye...oh, did i mention my first major exam for J2 is in March, with my tournament... !!! right? n my H3 exam is in June... lucky old me...this cow year is gonna by full of slogging and more slogging...how appropriate... :(

6:39 AM, Lotsa of lots

Thursday, December 4, 2008

whee...back from a super duper long blogging hiatus...
firstly, PW is over!!! ;D so yippee...
but lots of yucky hols HW to start and finish!!! so boo...
so quick update on my life:
1) went for Apollo fac event Reverse
2) went for 79 class bbq
3) had lots of soccer prac during the hols
4) and the main highlight of the blogpost today is... my OCIP trip to NANJING, FUJIAN!!!

anyway the trip was from 14 to 24 Nov... and the main aim was to assist in some construction in a pri sch in nanjing, fujian (NOT the rape of nanjing-nanjing...) plus teaching of simple english and selected sports basics to the kids in the school... so since i cant go into the full details in this post (details of the full 11 days would take a few hours to type? ;D), i will just mention some highlights and some of my thoughts...

1) the kids in the school, Chang Jiao Primary School, were super enthusiastic and welcoming, both in mixing with a whole group of strangers who descended en masse on their school and into their lives, as well as learning new stuff...
2) their stamina and energy were boundless and are far more than ours...seriously, just seeing them running and jumping and just plain moving is tiring enough...the amount of food they eat though is not enough to fuel that energy...
3) the construction work was not as tough as i expected...it was quite an experience, in that, i found out that, if you work with a group of good friends, chatting, gossiping and singing (yes, singing...) while you work, it'll make the work seem more fun ;D so yep, i kinda enjoyed the construction...
4) the food there is quite ok, life-substaining :p i didnt mind the veggies coz there were fresh and nicely cooked...oh i love the fried fish we had for two of all the meals we had in the school! ;D and the dou jiang in the morning for breakfast
5) the toilet there required getting used to...the saying ignorance is bliss really applies there, coz it's better not to know what's there... :P
6) bathing at night is freezing so you had to bathe super quick...better to bathe in the noon if possible...
7) we slept on wooden bunks, but thought they were hard, being physically tired helps you go to sleep quickly ;D
8) i love the chatting and snacking and playing of cards at night with my roomies and neighbours...seriously, one of the special moments there ;)
9) i really really really love the kids there
10) i love the experience at the hot springs in xiamen ;) there was a curry pool, a coffee one, pineapple, ginger tea, milk, lemon and wine...sadly didnt managed to try the wine one, but the curry one was an experience coz it wasnt really the type of curry we ate but curry leaves soaked in the pool ;) i personally loved the lemon, milk and pineapple one...really felt like a queen soaking in all those pools ;)
11) shopping in xiamen is considerably cheap, though it's a prosperous town...
12) food in nanjing is super duper cheap...love all the goodies i had there ;) especially the jelly or guo dong ;)
13) the tuluos ( it's a special architechtural structure, which is unique to the houses in that part of china and it's a UN acknowledged heritage site) were special coz they are totally...special...you cant get to see round houses anywhere else... plus the people who loved there are super proud of their homes despite the somewhat squalid conditions in the tuluos... or interesting fact: people who lived in the same tuluos, who may not be related to each other, all have the same surnames...cool right ;)

14) this is special coz i TOTALLY LOVED THE SHOOTING STAR AND FIREWORKS THAT I SAW THERE...THEY WERE BEAUTIFUL! the shooting star was seen on the day the school had a blackout and the whole group of us went stargazing...the fireworks were bought and set off by us and more were set off by the villagers to celebrate some temple event, all on the night before our departure from the school...beautiful... ;)

ok, so that's kinda all...i had this aching feeling for a few days after i got back here, coz i really missed the kind of life i had there with the kids and the people in OCIP Nanjing...sigh...but i'm really really REALLY glad i went for this trip ;)

6:06 AM, Lotsa of lots

my fellow shoe-wearers ;p

Owner of THE shoes
Name: QY
B.O.D: 02/09/91
School: dun mention it
Mail: U NOE IT


loves, March 2007
loves, April 2007
loves, May 2007
loves, June 2007
loves, July 2007
loves, August 2007
loves, September 2007
loves, October 2007
loves, November 2007
loves, December 2007
loves, January 2008
loves, February 2008
loves, March 2008
loves, April 2008
loves, May 2008
loves, June 2008
loves, July 2008
loves, August 2008
loves, September 2008
loves, October 2008
loves, December 2008
loves, January 2009
loves, May 2009
loves, September 2009
loves, November 2009

Designer: x
Others: o